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Education; It refers to the transformation and development in the areas of emotion, thought and behavior. While human beings are guiding their lives by processing knowledge and virtue, they cannot be completely independent from the culture, life and understanding of the society they are in. Individual development becomes meaningful with a social impact. Education is permanent, sustainable and valuable only if the perception and understanding of the society develops. At Aljazari International Schools of Science and Technology, we teach science, culture, art, sports, language etc. We adopt an understanding of interaction that spreads from school to social life in all fields. We must carry out regular activities and trainings with Fun Up, which we have implemented for our sociopark goal.
We provide certified trainings that appeal to different age groups in line with needs and expectations. Our trainings that we organize during the weekends and school hours are carried out by our expert trainers.

Within the scope of culture, arts and sports activities, exhibitions, music concerts, festivities, film and theater screenings, seminars and conferences are held publicly in the form of monthly programs.

At Aljazari International Schools of Science and Technology, we see education as a part of social life. We work in cooperation with non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, administrative and special units so that our students can be the pioneers of change in every sense. We take effective steps to the future by making use of our knowledge.