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10 Universities Welcome Aljazari International Schools

The Academic Committee and the Personality Development Development at Aljazari International Schools of Science & Technology conducted marathon meetings that included a large number of prestigious universities in Istanbul to serve the graduate students.



The month-long meetings led by Atakent Campus Manager, Mr. Ayhan Çandır, succeeded in opening doors and paving the way for students wishing to enroll in the best universities in Turkey.



Aljazari International Schools, through these meetings, aimed to facilitate the procedures for registering graduate students in universities, introducing them to university majors, and educating them about future jobs.



In turn, all the university representatives have shown great cooperation & happiness in the efforts of the academic team made by our schools to serve the students, promising to facilitate and overcome obstacles for students, and keep the cooperation in various fields widely open.



The separated meetings included the following universities: Aydın Üniversitesi, Bezmi alem üniversitesi, Kadir has üniversitesi, Kültür üniversitesi, Gelişim üniversitesi, Sebahattin zaim üniveristesi, Bahçeşehir üniveristesi, Mediespoli üniveciveristesi, Sabhattin üniveristesi
