Aljazari International
School of Science and Technology
Atakent Int. Campus
Aljazari International
School of Science and Technology
Atakent Int. Campus
Aljazari Technology
High School
Atakent 2 Campus
Aljazari Technology
High School
Atakent 2 Campus
Aljazari High School
of Science
and Technology
Atakent 2 Campus
Aljazari High School
of Science
and Technology
Atakent 2 Campus
Aljazari Elementary School
of Science and Technology
Atakent 2 Campus
Aljazari Elementary School
of Science and Technology
Atakent 2 Campus
Aljazari Elementary
School of Science and Technology
Fatih Campus
Aljazari Elementary
School of Science and Technology
Fatih Campus
Admission Policy
Admission Policy
Aljazari International Schools of Science and Technology welcome students from different ethnic groups, backgrounds and beliefs, in our campuses we will enroll students for which it has the means to support emotionally, socially, physically and cognitively.
Please fill the following form to know more about the criteria to join Aljazari International Schools of Science and Technology in the academic year 2025-2026.
Aljazari International Schools honor itself with a modern learning system that aims to achieve academic excellence, our customized and skill oriented Aljazari Learning Program “JLP” will equip the students with everything they need for future jobs.
Families will seek enrollment for their children if they support the development of the school through their adherence to its mission, vision and goals.
The school aims to provide students with academic learning opportunities, appropriate social skills and emotional health.
The school will require official records of attainment and other relevant documents such as academic transcripts, confidential reports, and health records from previous schools and doctors.
Admissions decisions are considered in the light of: the best interest of the applicant, the best interests of the student body as a whole, Ministry regulations and Aljazari International Schools of science and Technology’s admission procedures. Final decisions are ratified by the school Director after consultation with the Head of School in non-standard cases.
  • Families contact the Admissions Officer to verify eligibility, visit the school’s facilities, and examine and discuss the mission, vision and goals of the school.
  • At application for enrolment (and prior to the student beginning in school), the school requires official academic records and other relevant school documents from previous schools.
  • Students’ special learning requirements must be declared at registration by the parents, including English language proficiency of the student/s whose first language is not English.
  • Any health and/or learning disabilities must be declared at registration by the parents, e.g.; hearing or vision issues, or any other medical developmental or psychological conditions. All records from previous schools/ psychologists/ doctors must be submitted where a health / learning disability issue exists. All reports are required in English. Official translation is the responsibility of the parent. The school reserves the right to forfeit enrollment of any student where a full disclosure of information was not provided at registration (in alignment with number 3, and 4 in this section).
  • Students will be expected to have achieved a satisfactory grade level standard at their previous school. Students may be asked to sit for an interview with a teacher and / or take subject placement tests. For admission into (Grades 6-12) students will be expected to have a GPA of a minimum equivalent of 70% in previous school.
  • The families will be appraised of the school’s policies by the Principals, particularly those related to student behavior, reporting ill-health and consequent absence from school, the personal appearance/dress codes for students, homework and professional protocols (home-school communications).
  • Each new student application is subject to a non-refundable application fee. However, the placement fee or tuition payment should not be made until after admission is granted/confirmed. If payment was made prior to confirmation of admission but the student’s admission is not approved by the school principal, it will be returned fully minus bank service charges.
  • Enrolled students and their parents understand and accept all policies enforced by Aljazari International Schools of science and Technology.
  • No single enrollment should be at the detriment of other students.
Registration Process
Parents, who wish to enroll their children at Aljazari International Schools of Science and Technology, please fill the online candidate registration form or pre-registration form by coming to the school. Parents who want to make their final registration to our school come to the school with the documents requested below and sign the candidate registration form. Diagnostic exam is given to all students in the grades 3 through 11
*Documents required for registration
Student Health Report
Last 2 years transcript or transcript (For high school students)
Last 2-year transcript for students from abroad or equivalence certificate approved by the Provincial Ministry of National Education for transcript (For high school students)
4 passport size photographs of the student (hard copy)
One passport photo of the mother and father
Identity copy of mother, father and student
Residence certificate of the parent who will complete the registration process
Custody Certificate If Parent Divorced
*Additional documents required for the international school
Passport copies of family members
Residence / work permit information
You can download the following forms
Student Application
Clarification Statement
Student Registration
Clarification Statement
Parent/Guardian Clarification
Statement and Explicit Consent
Student Questionnaire
Form (by guardian)
School Admissions Policies
Preschool, Primary School 1st and 2nd Grade:
Preliminary interviews are made by the psychological counselor and guidance unit for the pre-enrolled kindergarten, primary school 1 and 2 grade students and the relevant tests are applied. During the registration process, the order of applications is taken into consideration. The result of the report is shared with the family regardless of the student enrollment status.
Intermediate Classes Student Admission:
Within the quota, elementary school (3 and 4) and middle school (5, 6, 7 and 8) grade students and English language exam are held. In addition, interviews and related personality tests are applied by the psychological counseling and guidance unit. During the registration process, the order of applications is taken into consideration. The result of the report is shared with the family regardless of the student enrollment status..
High School 9th Grade:
In the transition to high school, priority is given to our 8th grade students, and at the end of the fall semester, a transition to high school is given to our students. Our students who pass a passing grade continue from 9th grade in high school. For students who graduate from different schools at home or abroad, a leveling and English language exam is given. In addition, interviews and related personality tests are applied by the psychological counseling and guidance unit. According to the quota status, registration is made by taking into consideration the order of application. The result of the report is shared with the family regardless of the student enrollment status. The student is expected to add their relevant certificates to the registration file in any field with a detailed transcript document (if any).
High School 10th, 11th and 12th Grade:
Within the quota, a level determination and English language exam are conducted for high school 10, 11 and 12th grade students. In addition, interviews and related personality tests are applied by the psychological counseling and guidance unit. During the registration process, the order of applications is taken into consideration. The result of the report is shared with the family regardless of the student enrollment status. The student is expected to add their relevant certificates to the registration file in any field with a detailed transcript document (if any).
Early Childhood Centre Enrolments
  • The minimum class size for a class to operate is 10 students.
  • Parents or caretakers are expected to bring and pick-up their children for the first two weeks of school
  • Children need to be toilet trained, i.e able to identify when they need to go to the toilet and be able to request this.
  • Criteria for admission to a full time place:
    • Child settles after a short period of time, even if initially upset.
    • Child is willing to be part of a group and share attention of adults
    • Child is willing to be with different members of teaching and support staff
    • Child attempts to be independent in dressing and toileting.
  • We have a “drop and go” procedure for caregivers and parents dropping children to school. This means that students must be brought to school and left in the care of the teacher and/or teaching assistant in the minimal time possible. We are seeking to avoid lengthy goodbyes so that students can settle into the classroom environment as soon as possible. The beginning of the school day is very important when settling children. It is therefore essential that children arrive on time so that they can develop class routines as quickly as possible – this will give them a sense of security and normalcy.
  • Parents will be informed of these arrangements during the admissions process- admission will be conditional on them accepting these arrangements..
Student Placement – Academic Year 2023 / 2024:
New student placements for Grade 1 through Grade 5 will be made on the basis of the child’s previous educational records and the oral assessment of the School.

For the students applying for Grade 5 and above, it is required to enter the Online placement exam, 90 minutes, 1 sitting followed by an oral assessment of the School.

The initial placement is tentative and the school may reassess placement after the child’s abilities have been thoroughly observed in class or through additional testing.
Important Notes:
  • Aljazari International Schools of science and Technology Academic Year runs from September to June with one school year completed in 10 months.
  • Students entering Aljazari International Schools of science and Technology after the school year starts must submit their current grade progress reports/ transcripts for placement in the same grade level of their previous school.
  • Students that apply for admission in the second half of the school year (January-June) and come from schools that follow the Southern Hemisphere school year calendar (such as Korea, Japan, Australia, etc.) are placed in the same grade level that they have recently completed (as of end December/ January/ February). They will start the next grade level in September, at the beginning of the next academic year.
  • Students that apply to High School (9-12) without a proficient level of English will not be enrolled.

Happy & Competent Children

Individuals whose basic needs, as defined per Maslow's hierarchy of needs, are met, form the essence of a value-centered personality while realizing their full potential.

One-to-one interaction with the child during the preschool phase, which is the stage of self-discovery, is of great importance for their personality development.

Being aware of this, Al-Jazari International School considers each student as a gifted individual carrying an endless potential within.

It is our basic practice to give children the opportunity to learn while playing according to their own respective developmental stages and we consider it extremely important for the upbringing of both mentally and physically healthy future generations.

According to our school's most fundamental approach, the teacher represents a guide during the learning process. Recognizing that children have different ways of expressing themselves, we aim to make our students happy individuals who are aware of how they choose to express their thoughts and feelings whether through singing, painting, sculpture, dance, vocal expression and music activities.

This way, arts and sports are highlighted in our school throughout the learning process, which is supported by education and training.

We support the development of personality with the aim of helping our students to be successful individuals, to be able to make their own decisions, to plan their studies and choose their own goals, to work effectively whether individually or in groups andto produce practical solutions when facing problems.