Aljazari International
School of Science and Technology
Atakent Int. Campus
Aljazari International
School of Science and Technology
Atakent Int. Campus
Aljazari Technology
High School
Atakent 2 Campus
Aljazari Technology
High School
Atakent 2 Campus
Aljazari High School
of Science
and Technology
Atakent 2 Campus
Aljazari High School
of Science
and Technology
Atakent 2 Campus
Aljazari Elementary School
of Science and Technology
Atakent 2 Campus
Aljazari Elementary School
of Science and Technology
Atakent 2 Campus
Aljazari Elementary
School of Science and Technology
Fatih Campus
Aljazari Elementary
School of Science and Technology
Fatih Campus
All social activities are a reflection of the campus life and its cultural, educational and recreational aspects that raise the level of our students and their mixing and interaction within the school environment. At Al Jazari International School, we believe that parents and teachers must embrace students in a common environment that inspires them all to collaborate in a variety of extracurricular activities. The most important of these activities relate to fields such as technology, arts, literature, environment and sports. We have therefore made the creation of these events one of our goals in order to raise a generation of happy, balanced and bright individuals.
Our goals are better illustrated, through our social activities mainly by training students to develop their personalities and opening up to their local and then global community. In addition, we endeavor through these events, to achieve emotional balance within our students and guide them towards practical ways of self-confidence, experience gaining, and effective social networking. As a result of their participation in these events, our students will be able to apply their previous theoretical knowledge and skills. فDue to DAS and PDP curricula, that are an integrated structure reflecting the core philosophy of our school, are the best way to see real demonstrate of our students' specific principles, concepts, information and skills throughout the year.
We divided these activities into five age groups, taking into account class hours and clubs, with the aim of forming the young personality as envisaged by Al Jazari School. On the other hand, we aim from these events to train our students to acquire the skills of the twenty-first century, the most important of which are: J-Tech, which takes the 21st century science and technology into production with the thought of innovation, J-Trail, the field of recognition and application of the world of nature and living creatures in an environment of love and respect, J-TT, which covers the innovation-centered activities where the metadological thought turns into production, from the individual to the society. J-Talk, the area of language and cultural activities in which a transformation is designed, J-Talent, where arts and sports activities where skills and abilities are transformed into emotions and behaviors, in our application areas.
At Al Jazari School, we allow our students to explore their areas of interest and talents and to go through various experiences after receiving adequate training in the basic skills. In this context, our students choose at least one of the available fields that we have enriched based on our curriculum and then divided into five age groups. Apart from this compulsory choice, they can choose from the rest of the activities available according to personal preferences.
We organize these various extracurricular activities during specified days and hours outside class hours, in addition to other activities that require longer organizing periods that would be included in the academic calendar during the beginning of the semester.
Aforementioned activities, which we reinforced by our curricula, include club and extracurricular activities. In this context, our clubs are classified according to the areas chosen by the students and each club has its own rules.
The clubs are available from 1st grade according to their objectives:
  • Strategic clubs
  • Compulsory clubs
  • Optional clubs
  1. Registration in strategic clubs is through the selection and testing system conducted by the Program Development Unit.
  2. Compulsory category shall include at least one club for each student, at the discretion of the Program Development Unit while taking into account the student's abilities as well.
  3. Optional clubs include all the clubs that students choose according to their hobbies.
  • Participation in clubs is compulsory for all students
  • Students can choose up to five clubs, one of which is compulsory. Choices are confirmed at the end of each semester for the next semester
  • Students are divided into clubs according to the order of subscriptions and capacity.
  • Clubs activities start after the end of the orientation week for students.
  • In addition to clubs with year-round activities, students can participate in biannual clubs.
  • Students can create their own clubs within their specific skills and interests.

Happy & Competent Children

Individuals whose basic needs, as defined per Maslow's hierarchy of needs, are met, form the essence of a value-centered personality while realizing their full potential.

One-to-one interaction with the child during the preschool phase, which is the stage of self-discovery, is of great importance for their personality development.

Being aware of this, Al-Jazari International School considers each student as a gifted individual carrying an endless potential within.

It is our basic practice to give children the opportunity to learn while playing according to their own respective developmental stages and we consider it extremely important for the upbringing of both mentally and physically healthy future generations.

According to our school's most fundamental approach, the teacher represents a guide during the learning process. Recognizing that children have different ways of expressing themselves, we aim to make our students happy individuals who are aware of how they choose to express their thoughts and feelings whether through singing, painting, sculpture, dance, vocal expression and music activities.

This way, arts and sports are highlighted in our school throughout the learning process, which is supported by education and training.

We support the development of personality with the aim of helping our students to be successful individuals, to be able to make their own decisions, to plan their studies and choose their own goals, to work effectively whether individually or in groups andto produce practical solutions when facing problems.